Friday, February 17, 2012

About Me

a)      The grade levels I am interested in teaching are K-3.

b)      I know I will be teaching multiple subjects and I do not have a particular interest in a single subject. I do enjoy teaching science though because you can always find something that the children will be interested in, it relates to real life, and they are always learning something new.

c)      I would love to be a teacher because I love children, knowing that I had a part in their lives to make them who they are makes me feel great. They have so much curiosity and love that it makes it hard to not want to teach them. I really enjoy being creative and coming up with new ways of helping children learn and fun ways of teaching. I also like the idea of being my own boss, in a way, where I have my own classroom, my own rules, and nobody standing over my shoulder watching my every move. A great benefit of being a teacher is the time off (summer, weekends, nights, holidays) that I can enjoy and spend time with my children and husband that I am hoping to have someday.

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